Syntill8 Ltd. has now released version 5.0 of the M8051W 8-bit microcontroller IP core, which includes performance enhancements, tool flow updates and productivity enhancements.

Key Enhancements Include

  • Single Machine-cycle MOVX and MOVC instructions to replace current two-cycle execution time for these heavily used instructions.
  • Improvement of maximum clock speed: The current critical path used by conditional branch instructions is now approximately halved.
  • Peripheral clock pre-scalers, for matching performance to power consumption.
  • Array of up to eight pulse width modulators, with optional up/down ramping.
  • Two-Wire Master Interface, compatible with I2C 'F' protocol.
  • Four-Wire SPI-compatible Master Interface.
  • Watchdog timer with warning interrupt and reset.
  • Programmable stack overflow detection and reset.

Other Updates include

  • External buses now held in inactive state whilst reset is applied to core.
  • Added TCL Synthesis Scripts and example Scan Insertion scripts.
  • Added FPGA synthesis scripts to support the Altera Quartus flow, using SDC format for timing constraints.
  • Unified the Verilog and VHDL synthesis script set.
  • Documentation enhancements to the external memory interfaces and wait state system descriptions.


Both the M8051W microcontroller core and support services are available from Syntill8. Standard deliverables include: synthesizable RTL source code and testbenches in both Verilog and VHDL, simulation scripts, example netlist, in-depth documentation, and example synthesis and DFT scripts for Mentor and Synopsys flows. For more information view the M8051W data sheet and/or contact us for more detailed information.